Know the Power of Your Subconscious Mind and Control Yourself as You Want

***Your subconscious mind is like a garden soil and your thought is the seed. So if you think good thought then you planted a good seed in your subconscious mind and think bad thought you planted a bad seed. Good seed produce good output and bad seed produce bad output.

***You conscious mind is like a captain of a ship and subconscious mind is the navy stuff. So what thought and what you delivery(order or command) in your subconscious mind from conscious mind it will work as your order or command.

Reverberation/Echo of Life
***Your Subconscious mind work like as a reverberation or echo. Because which you think consciously it go to your subconscious mind and subconscious mind send it back to your conscious mind.

***If you think you dislike mushroom and if you eat mushroom then it will create indigestion in your body.
If you tell you that you will wake up today at 4.00 am from sleep then your subconscious mind remember the boss(conscious mind) in that time to wake up.

***How to Install good program in your subconscious mind:
Repetition any work more and more and again and again or frequently.
Faith belief of trust on the topic that you can. Like as you want to be programmer. So you belief that you have the qualification or capability to be a programmer.

N.B: A Concept from “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Book”.

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