Why get lost motivation again and again?

Motivation is why I get lost again and again. Motivation is lost again after repeated inspiration. This happens to every human being, to those who are productive people, and to those who are non-productive people. What is the reason for this? This is because we can compare people with rechargeable batteries. For example, a mobile phone or a laptop computer has to be charged repeatedly. After a certain period, the charge runs out. In this way, man has to be charged (motivated) continuously like a battery. People are motivated by reading a book, watching a video, watching a person, or gaining knowledge from different environments. After some time he lost his motivation again. After getting motivated, he thinks to himself that this time I will do a lot of work, I will study a lot, I will work regularly, I will manage my life in an orderly manner, but it seems that he has lost his motivation after working for some time or after working for some time. Then regular work is not done. Many routines are done. Repeatedly becomes a routine break. What is the reason for this? The only reason for this is that he has to be recharged again and again, that is, he has to be motivated again and again. As long as he lives like this, he has to be constantly motivated and work. Only then will his productivity be fine. And when it becomes a habit to do a job, he will be able to do the job regularly without any motivation or any difficulty. And for this, you need to do any passion or choice. But remember, successful people in the world – work with motivation or work without motivation. So they succeed !!!

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